Debugging with PDBs

2nd May 2023

I took a slight detour on the C JIT. I had specifically said before that I didn’t want to bother going to all the work of creating a standard debugger for dyibicc, mostly because it was a big job.

But then debugging some long-tail and surely-still-more-to-come codegen bugs I had the idea that it would be nice if I could see which source lines were contributing to which machine code.

For a while, I’d been inserting blocks of nops to delimit lines, and that kind of works, but I kept thinking: “Sure, I don’t need a full debugging experience, but how hard could it be just to have the mapping back to the source files?”

Which lead to me somehow nerd-sniping myself into a week of banging away, and 2000 lines of code.


So as to not bury the lede, here’s a short demo of dyn_basic_pdb, which is the header-library I’ve landed on to write pdbs.

The code is in dyn_basic_pdb.h and there’s a small example of usage if for some reason you want to do this very strangely specific thing yourself too.



I found .pdb quite a challenging a challenging format to write.

The microsoft-pdb repo released a while back is what made it possible for anyone outside Microsoft to have much chance of writing a useful pdb at all. This was released at the request of the LLVM Windows team at Google, and thanks to a lot of work, LLVM/Clang/LLD is also very good at writing pdb files.

The difficulty with writing one yourself is partly that there’s limited documentation (though LLVM has made a good start). Mostly though, it’s just that the format is old and complicated, and not really designed as a file format. Think back before Windows 7, before Windows XP, before Windows 95 to segment:offset, to the hazy days of 16 bit sizes, to the era when people believed that “everything is a beautiful IDL interface and disk formats are merely the persisted form of a COM blah blah”. So, e.g. there are now-dead (32 bit sized) pointer fields on disk that are totally unnecessary. And hash table probing and bucketing strategies have to match precisely (more on that later). And many other too deep in the weeds details to even mention.

LLVM’s PDB documentation gives a good high-level overview of the format, and how it’s structured as a paged-block format, as well as details on some of the streams that are contained.

A quick summary is that the pdb file is more like a file system than a normal file. A pdb is a set of streams of information, and streams are written in non-contiguous chunks by page1 allocation. So each stream is made up of a set of pages scattered throughout the file. There’s also support for atomic commit/rollback by having an A/B page map.

The container is relatively straightforward, but once you get into the details of the individual streams it gets pretty intricate.

I’m not going to try to expand on LLVM’s documentation here, but if you look at dbp_ready_to_execute() in the header, you could in theory (?) get some idea of how the streams fit together. It’s not simple, but it might be easier to use as a reference alongside LLVM, if only because it’s in a single file, rather than a large fully-featured reader/writer. LLVM’s implementation here and here are definitely helpful though.

Having said that, here are a few things that stumped me for a while and/or were slightly interesting.


The Name Map Table is a string interning table that’s used in a few places. I think it’s probably one of the better designed parts of the format (allegedly thanks to a certain Rico and Richard 🙂!)

There’s two parallel arrays, one that stores \0 separated strings, and one that stores by hash index the offset into the first array.

The tricky part here though is that it wasn’t really intended as a file format that others might read and write. So when the hash table is serialized, you have to be sure that: 1) you’re using the identical hash function and probing method; and 2) use the exact same growth factor calculations when the hash table part has to grow.

Some (most) readers don’t rehash on load, they read the whole blob of hash buckets in, and use it as-is. That means that when a reader hashes “xyz” with their predetermined hash function, and decides that belongs in bucket N, you’d better have already put it in bucket N, or it just won’t be found.

It would be easy enough in a new reader (or format) to simply load the strings and then hash and store the map in whatever associative container you wanted, but we’re back here in the mid 90’s, so… just don’t mess up, ok!?

Also, don’t fall into the trap of believing that you wrote a hash table in one location in this file, so surely the other map of strings to ints is in the same format. The “Name Map Table” is in this format, but the “Named Stream Map” which gives names to streams (ints) is stored in a different format.

llvm-pdbutil vs. Dia2Dump/VS

Not a huge surprise, but one thing to be aware of is that there’s some room for intepretation in what should be acceptable. Since we want to load pdb files in Visual Studio that’s the final judge of what’s acceptable by definition, but it can definitely be helpful to use other readers (like llvm-pdbutil) from the command line when testing. While it tries to do some validation of things like missing parts or unaligned pieces, there were a number of times where the llvm-pdbutil dump appeared correct but Dia2Dump would just show no data.

So when you make a change, be sure to test with multiple readers.


This is a very arbitrary detail, but I spent far too long debugging before I realized that the SectionMapHeader (which is itself a substream of the DBI stream) apparently needs to have at least two entries. It’s not entirely clear (to me) what the Section Map Header is even accomplishing, but in my JIT’s code at that point there was only a single code section, so I naively thought I would just put a single section in the Section Map.

But nope, that apparently causes all symbols and line mappings to have an invalid RVA when read by the DIA SDK, which in turns means that none of them are found.

So, work in very small increments, and be sure again to test with multiple readers all the time.


Once you finally get a working .pdb, you just pop over to Visual Studio or WinDBG and say, umm, er….

There’s no way to directly load a .pdb as it sort of doesn’t make sense. There has to be a block of mapped-into-memory code associated with it. So in addition to writing a .pdb, the library also has to write a .dll. This DLL has an IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY entry that points at the .pdb. That way, when you call Win32 LoadLibrary() (and slam your actual JIT’d code on top of the address space where the .dll was loaded), Visual Studio will see the pointer to the .pdb, load it2, and you’ll be able to debug as usual. This doesn’t seem too complicated, but there were (naturally) some gotchas.

I had originally intended to allow the user to own the main VirtualAlloc() of code space. That way, they could generate code as usual, and then optionally generate a .pdb if they were debugging. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s possible to have code at offset (RVA) zero of a DLL. So if the user generates code right at the first byte of the memory they allocated, then when the fake DLL gets loaded to that location, the RVA of .text has to be past the normal DLL file header, typically at 0x1000. One workaround would just be to say that the user has to “give” us the first 4096 bytes of the mapping. I decided instead to have the library allocate the memory for you (so it can add the extra space), and so you can either use that allocation if you’re debugging, or use VirtualAlloc() yourself if not.

Another gotcha is not really related to PDB files, but is related to JITs more generally, and that’s the need to provide .pdata and .xdata to Windows for it to do stack traces. There’s a bytecode in every x64 .exe/dll that describes what the prolog of a function does to the stack, and so how it can be unwound. This is used for stack walking on x64, and for structured exception handling. This is all pretty well documented if a little complex. Normally for a JIT, you use RtlAddFunctionTable() which provides the same prolog bytecode information at runtime. I assumed I could still do this, so the pdb library wouldn’t need to have anything to do with .pdata.

However! There’s one undocumented assumption which is that ranges that are statically mapped to a PE only use the .pdata that’s in the exe, and silently ignore any data provided by RtlAddFunctionTable(). Because of our hack to use LoadLibrary() to load a dll which in turn references that pdb that we want to load, this situation applies to us. So, the “empty” DLL is no longer be entirely empty, it actually contains just the .pdata and UNWIND_INFO structures that are otherwise uninteresting to us. But once that’s in place, we get proper stack traces and things work as expected.


I’m not sure how useful this functionality will end up being for me, but it was an interesting spelunking challenge.

Maybe someone else will find it useful as a library or as reference, as while there’s a number of decent quality source-available readers that people mentioned to me on Mastodon and Twitter e.g. raw_pdb and Rust’s pdb crate, I don’t know of any writers other than LLVM and Microsoft’s code dump (though that doesn’t even come close to compiling).

I don’t think I’m likely to extend it to including TPI and IPI streams (those contain variable and type information) just because it’s a lot more work, so it’s sort of “done” for now. Of course, I said that about debugging in general too, so who knows.

  1. Typically 4k large on any new-ish pdbs. 

  2. I saw “helpful” errors like these a lot unspecified error Bad image Or Dia2Dump/llvm-pdbutil would just crash with no output. Good pdb vs bad pdb? No crash vs crash! Easy to debug. 

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