29th March 2023

Everyone: Look at this amazing LLM that became sentient and induced the Singularity and now knows the deep purpose of my own personal life and can describe it to me in the style of Yeats or Lewis Carroll or Weird Al!

Me: Look at this C compiler I’m working on! Hey, is it 1979?

About a month ago I saw a demo of Tomorrow Corporation’s development tools and was inspired 1. It’s definitely worth watching, but for the sake of exposition, they’ve2 developed a custom front- and back-end of a compiler, a debugger, IDE, and integrated them all into their build system, source control, and game engine with a deterministic replay system (what I’ve always called “Saved Inputs” from a great internal tool that we had on FIFA twenty-ish years ago). Aside from the specific features, I think the most satisfying parts are the speed of changes and the integration of all the features together into a coherent whole. (I’m sure there are hidden sharp corners! But it makes for a great demo.)

Now, I haven’t worked at a game company in a very long time. And I don’t really have a desire to make indie 2D games in an absurdly competitive marketplace where I don’t even have time to find out about all the amazing games that come out, never mind acquire them, never mind actually spend time playing them.

But I’m not going to let trivial little things like “being not at all practical or useful” get in the way!

I’ve been playing with my own programming language (with too many features and too much complexity) on and off for a long time. And more recently I’ve been puttering with Brett Slatkin’s (coming-soon) Pique.

Both of those are fun and interesting, but this imaginary new system would need insta-compile as well as smooth system integration which to me meant it would have to be (or at least start as) plain ol’ C.

Rui Ueyama wrote chibicc as a teaching tool, and it’s a great read. The code is clear and tends towards using the simplest possible algorithm or data representation. All the same, it’s plenty fast (we are pretending it’s 1979 after all, so the computer I’m typing on is inconceivably fast). The code is also very hackable, and I’m sure there are (or will be) many forks and variants of it.

So starting with chibicc as a base3, I first mostly-mechanically changed it to output nasm syntax rather than awful4 AT&T syntax. That has a few gotchas (e.g. nasm can’t reference an external symbol named “wait” lolz) and I had to hunt for a while for a few instructions where I had missed fixing the order of the operands.

But with that working, it seemed tractable to nuke the generation of .s or .asm files entirely, and just compile to memory. I’ve always wanted to use LuaJIT’s subproject DynASM. It’s unrelated to Lua other than it’s used to implement LuaJIT, and its preprocessing tool happens to be written in Lua. DynASM is a very elegant and compact way of integrating a macro assembler into C code and getting all the mess of x86/x64 instruction encoding out of the runtime. So in the next step I added a mode that uses DynASM to directly write SysV Linux x64 machine code.

I’m using DynASM a bit unusually, and serializing the machine code to a simple bespoke object format (with relocations, externs, etc.) This partially because of the original structure of chibicc, and partly just because of how C is very translation-unit centric, but in any case there’s also a simple linker to smoosh the bits together at the end. I guess this is where I will try to integrate the hot code reload later.

With that working, it didn’t seem too much of a stretch to also add Windows ABI support. This was a little trickier but not too bad. The basics are easy enough (which registers, in which order, how the stack is laid out, and so on).

But in order to work usefully, the compiler also needs to be able to include Microsoft’s SDK and the MSVC CRT headers, which is its own fairly messy undertaking.

The Windows calling convention is also a bit crufty5, having been established before SysV x64 and semi-following the existing x86 calling convention. One small detail I actually didn’t realize before doing this, is that the struct size limit for register passing is only 1/2/4/8 bytes on Windows. So, for example if you have a type like this (that is, 16 bytes on x64):

typedef struct Slice {
  int* data;
  size_t len;
} Slice;

Then, a function prototyped as

void my_func(Slice slice);

is exactly equivalent to

void my_func(Slice* slice);

in terms of memory dereferences in the function body, and it’s not getting passed in registers in either case.

But the first variant is actually worse at the callsites (because it of course has to maintain value semantics), so the caller has to make a duplicate copy of the struct on the stack, and then additionally pass a pointer to the copy. The ol’ sufficiently smart inlining and intra-procedural-optimizing compiler can of course recover from this, but: 1) this compiler is definitely not those things; and 2) it’s a kinda junky default.

SysV has a limitation of this sort too of course, but it’s at a more convenient 16 byte limit, and it also passes the copy directly on the stack, rather than also passing a pointer to the thing that’s almost definitely going to be stack allocated-and-copied already. This one was also less amenable to being shoehorned into chibicc and seemed to require messing around back in the parser which is why I’m a bit more salty about it.


With that futzing around, I have a handy-dandy two-platform C11 JIT compiler that’s pretty quick and all self-contained in a small managable code base. The generated code6 is typical stack-machine (i.e. terrible), but again, computers are unimaginably fast back here in 1979, so I can’t really perceive the compile or execution time yet7.

My “bug tracker” and “task list” are the top of main.c so maybe some of those things will be next for the the compiler. I think maybe the next step will be to get it integrated into an SDL shell where it can draw stuff and play beeps and read the controller.

  1. My wife jokes that I somehow manage to rathole every non-trivial programming project down to “First, I need to write a new programming language…”. 

  2. As far as I can tell, “they” is only a couple programmers (and possibly only one person working on these tools?), which both invites imposter syndrome and is also encouraging, because hey, I am also only one person. 

  3. There are of course lots of other ways I could have tried to do this: LLVM, clang mods, DLLs, rip-and-link the output of other compilers, etc., etc. But I’m finally feeling like programming for the first time since August 2021 (when I left big G…), and so the only real goal of this project is fun. And this seemed more fun. 

  4. Nico has made many outstanding contributions to our collective software world, but perhaps none better than this don’t @ me. 

  5. I mean, it’s definitely better than 32 bit x86, but. 

  6. I might actually tackle some peephole optimizing, but more because making the disassembly more concise would be make debugging it easier if it weren’t obscured by many push/pop/redundant movs. 

  7. The full set of tests take a few seconds to run, but it’s mostly in printf and terminal delay. 

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