
Replacing the input reader in cmd.exe

10 Aug 2013

In my ongoing attack on cmd.exe, the next thing I wanted to have was tab-completion of git branch names, since I have apparently no memory for remembering what the heck I called that-other-branch-where-I-was-doing-that-thing.

There’s a somewhat complicated interaction between what’s strictly cmd, and what’s in the csrss process that’s theoretically available to all console programs (“doskey” handling). Because the reading of an input line is handled in a blocking function that escapes back to cmd when it wants completion, I thought it might be possible to just hook in and replace that. Unfortunately it got a bit messy because of the internal state maintained by cmd for the contents of the line, where it is in the line, and so on.

So instead, I decided to full-on replace the implementation of ReadConsoleW in cmd. The drawback of this approach is that I have to implement all input handling. This of course is also the benefit, as I can control and do whatever I want inside there now.

ReadConsoleW gets patched in the same way as the previous ones (IAT patching), and then it’s “just” a matter of writing readline-ish code to implement all the various line editing functionality. Inside the replacement function I use ReadConsoleInput which reads the physical press/release of each keyboard key, and build up editing from there.

First, there’s all the basics of typing, Home, End, Ctrl-Left/Right to jump by words. And, command history with Up/Down. Tab does basic file completion, etc.

But then, I added a bunch more convenient functionality like saving command history across sessions. This required replacing msvcrt!exit which is when this history is saved.

And I get to add some bonus keybindings:

And most importantly, tab completion is improved. This is still nascent, but is already much improved over cmd’s native completion. There’s command-in-path completion, so if you’re at the beginning of a line, executable files in PATH (and built-in cmd functions) will be offered for completion, rather than random files in the current directory. There’s some built in support for git completion too, so for example:

C:\>git ch<TAB>

cycles through

C:\>git checkout
C:\>git cherry-pick


C:\>git checkout -<TAB>

cycles through

C:\>git checkout --quiet
C:\>git checkout --ours

etc. And finally, branches:

[master]C:\src\cmdEx>git checkout o<TAB>

completes through:

[master]C:\src\cmdEx>git checkout origin/HEAD
[master]C:\src\cmdEx>git checkout origin/master

checkout is currently the only command that has its arguments understood, but I’ll fill out other commands over time as they seem useful.

If by some chance you are “User Number 2” (i.e. not me) and you’re having problems with the new input handling, you can disable that part by set CMDEX_NOREADCONSOLE=1 (but keep, e.g. git branch name in prompt).

Code and prebuilt binary are at github.