
Suppress 'Terminate batch job (Y/N)?' in cmd.exe

21 Jul 2013

In my ongoing rewrite of cmd.exe from the outside, my next target was the extraordinarily aggravating prompt that cmd presents when you Ctrl-C when running a batch file.

c:\>type x.bat


Press any key to continue . . .           <- Press Ctrl-C here
Terminate batch job (Y/N)?

Yup. I pressed Ctrl-C, I’m pretty sure I want to, you know, interrupt things. It also isn’t always enough to Ctrl-C again to get out, so you actually have to press Y, Enter. And, you’re in an indeterminate state regardless of whether you respond Y or N, making it completely pointless.

It’s mainly annoying for a bunch of tools that wrap their main .exe in a batch file. On Linux/Mac, there’s no particular penalty to doing so, so it’s sometimes easier to have the real binary in a different folder and have a forwarding script in the PATH that runs the binary.

So, I’ve probably hated that prompt for going on 20 years now. No longer! Sunday July 21st, 2013 I took a stand. NO MORE DUMB PROMPT.

This one was implemented slightly differently than the previous git branch functionality. The main difference is that the internal cmd function PromptUser is used in a variety of places (for example, to confirm deletion or overwrite of files), and, there’s no obvious call to an imported kernel32 function nearby that can be used to modify how it works.

So, instead, I decided the best tactic was to find the appropriate call to PromptUser in another internal function CtrlCAbort. It passes what looks like the message id (to be looked up for localization) and then does the appropriate batch terminating if PromptUser returns 1.

The tricky part is that those functions are purely internal implementation functions and aren’t imported or exported. But {awesomely | helpfully | regrettably}, Microsoft publishes PDBs for many Windows system binaries, and an API for downloading and interpreting those symbols.

With that in hand, it’s a relatively straightforward matter of using DbgHelp to find the location of CtrlCAbort in cmd (we’re already injected into the process), and then finding the call site that matches the call to PromptUser, and patching it to emulate PromptUser having returned 1. The call site is quite distinctive because of the pushing of the message id, so given the start address of the function there’s little likelihood of a false positive.

And just like that:



Press any key to continue . . .           <- Press Ctrl-C here


Ahh, the sweet taste of victory.

Code is at github.