
Skulpt Parsing Revisited

19 Aug 2010

Over and over, I “rediscover” that the easiest and most reliable way to do something is to have an exact description of what needs to be done.

That sounds like a tautology, but when applied to code it can be very powerful.

My latest reinforcement and example of this idea was in my renewed attempt to get Skulpt back on the rails to something that I could maintain and extend more easily.

The first time around I was a bit overwhelmed: it turns out that implementing a full version of Python is quite a large undertaking (who knew! <ahem>).

But, the thing is, there’s plenty of help available. There’s of course the source code to CPython. I have referred to that quite frequently, because when it comes down to it, that’s unfortunately the only “spec” for Python.

However, it doesn’t turn out to be the most useful thing. The most useful thing, by far, is the ability to generate tons of test data that’s known-good.

The first time around on trying to write a compiler, I had done the obvious thing of passing python code to CPython and also to my compiler, and then making sure that running them both resulted in identical output.

However, the crucial part that I didn’t do was to mirror CPython at other levels of implementation.

As one example, there’s any number of ways you could choose to implement scoping and binding of names in a programming language. By only comparing the run output between CPython and Skulpt I was effectively reverse engineering a lot of that knowledge. Of course, for the common cases, everyone knows how variables are bound, shadowed, closed over, deleted, etc. But it’s the obscure cases that need to be correct so that everything is rock-solid, and that’s where you never feel sure that you’ve considered all cases in tests.

So, the magic step this time around: I made sure there was two more levels where I could dump internal state from CPython and make sure that it matched Skulpt’s exactly. Both the AST nodes (using the ast module) and the symbol table (using the symtable module) now match 1:1 between Skulpt and CPython. This includes many little details that are important but easily overlooked: line numbers and column offsets being identical in the AST for error messages, all variables being tagged as free or cell identically, and so on.

This was huge for my confidence in correctness. I now have the ability to generate as much test data as I want for the AST and symbol table. I could, for example feed all of Python/Lib/*.py to both Skulpt and CPython and compare a pretty-print of the ASTs and symbol tables.

Or, in other words, I have an exact description of what needs to be done in test-data form. How hard can it be at that point?

The AST and symbol table are two big chunks of the implementation of the compiler. With confidence that they contain a correct version of all the information required, I now have a solid foundation to build the rest.

The “rest” is compilation of the AST to .js, runtime support, and the object model. More on their progress next time.